Tuesday, September 21, 2010

2 week checkup

Today I took Azalea to her 2 week checkup.  She got a blood test done by a student nurse, and was screaming the whole time. She was so mad she peed on her. Ha! She also got her hearing checked and both ears are fine. She eats more food and little snacks in between her scheduled meal times and now she weighs 5 lbs 9 oz. 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday Date Night

Yesterday I watched the Auburn game live on my computer. Of course I had to switch to a low quality video because my poor little netbook just can't handle the high quality stuff.  Today was spent playing with Azalea who still refuses to sleep and then Brian took over and I made flautas. Yay flautas! We rented the movie Date Night and we're going to watch it while we eat.  Azalea can now pick up her head with ease and smiles every time I smile at her.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Today Azalea got her social security card. So now she is officially a citizen.  Now if only I could get her to sleep for longer than 20 minutes.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Going to stay at the nicu

Azalea has been steadily doing better each day.  So tonight I am going over to spend the night with her. Previously, I have only spent a couple of hours at a time playing with her and feeding her.  I went to the gas station and got some snacks and vanilla coke so I am ready.  The nurses took Azalea off her picc line and took out her IVs and I'm sure she is happier because they kept my IV in for three days and that thing is irritating. The nurses will be there to help me feed and take care of her, and if she does well, they will discharge her tomorrow.

Brian is coming late at night to bring dinner for me and I'm going to try to take plenty of pictures.  My mom took me to the mall to look at nursing bras and we actually found one that fits sort of.  This old lady that smelled like cigarettes poked me in the belly and told me that I didn't even look pregnant and I was like, AHHHHHHHHH MY STITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!eleven!  So I need to take more painkillers before I leave for the hospital.  I take alternating rounds of motrin and tylenol.  But anyway, I am excited to spend the whole night with my daughter for the first time. Azalea fell asleep in my arms after I gave her a bottle so we got a pic:

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Once upon a time

Once upon a time, a sweet little princess was born on August 31st, 2010. I named her Azalea after the prettiest flower. The next day, she was taken from me and sent in an ambulance to a nicu an hour and a half away.  So my husband and I spent the next two weeks in a boarding house for parents of patients and have been visiting her every day. Last Friday, I got to hold her for the first time.

Azalea has been doing much better each day. I even got to nurse her a couple times this week.  We're hoping that she will be discharged from the hospital this week.